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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Unprovoked Response

This probably seems rather obvious to all of you, but I don't like posting about emotional things. I do actually find talking about such things almost therapeutic and I'm sure I've discussed some problem with each of you reading this. Writing serves pretty much the same purpose: making things a tad bit easier to cope with, or at least understand. If I can cohesively put everything down on paper or monitor I might actually have a chance at discovering what's going on this little mixed up head of mine. So when it comes down to it, the only thing I'm not comfortable with is publishing what I've written for all the world (or at least 5 of its people) to see. Perhaps it has something to do with me being accustomed to everyone thinking I'm a cold, heartless monster. Maybe I just like keeping my own secrets (which I'm simultaneously getting better and worse at doing). However, I think that, above all, I just find it a tad bit weird that some people would so impersonally offer up such personal information. I meant I love all of y'all, but I'm not going to just hand out everything I think on a silver platter. The purpose of a blog is merely to provide a format in which to write, and then to optionally share. The writing's the important part, not the sharing (though I guess I don't really need a blog if I all I want to do is write about stuff). Just because I don't post too often doesn't mean I haven't written anything, it just means that I haven't written anything I want you (or some other specific person) to read.

1 comment:

  1. i haven't visited your blog in forever.
    this is interesting.."interesting" meaning "lets me know a little more about you than i did before."
